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Below is an alphabetical list of our plants that meet your selected requirements.

Currently displaying plants with a genus beginning with F-G.


    Fagus sylvatica Purple Fountain

    Buy Purple Fountain Beech online. This unique European beech is an excellent specimen tree, especially in tight spaces or paired in larger plantings. This tree has it all! A narrow, columnar shape, pendulous weeping branches, and dark purple foliage create an unbeatable combination. Smooth gray bark has a unique appearance, too. Leaves are glossy burgundy in spring, dark green in summer, and copper colored in fall.

    Starting at $180.00


    Fatshedera lizei Angyo Star

    Buy Angyo Star Fatshedera online. This hybrid plant is a unique combination of Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix, which creates an amazing climbing specimen that has amazing traits from both parents. This evergreen climber features variegated dark green and creamy yellow leaves, and is perfect for partial to full shade locations. It is a climbing plant, but will not adhere itself to walls, as it needs support to grow where wanted. It can also be used as a groundcover.

    Starting at $48.00