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Hardy Hibiscus Sale

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Currently displaying plants with a genus beginning with T.


    Trachelospermum asiaticum HOSNS

    Buy Snow-n-Summer Asiatic Jasmine online. Snow-n-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine is a woody, evergreen groundcover vine that can be trained to climb. It's typically used as a foliage plant due to its ever-changing palette of colors throughout the year. In spring, new growth is produced as pure white to pink new leaves, that oftentimes showoff amazing variegation from spotting to streaks of dark, glossy green through each leaf. In summer, the leaves will darken to dark, glossy green and can show some creamy white variegation in the veins. The fall and winter seasons bring colors of intense dark pink and green leaves. Perfect for planting in rock gardens or next to water features, as well as planting in between stepping stones, tucked into rock walls, and along borders.

    Starting at $15.00